Custom Fittings

Custom Fittings for Contact Lenses

If you're in the Southampton area and in search of an optical boutique that offers custom fittings for contact lenses, look no further than Main Street Optics. We understand that eyeglasses may not be suitable for everyone, and if you prefer wearing contacts, it's essential to find the best lenses for your specific needs. This includes not only selecting the right type of lenses but also ensuring a comfortable fit. 

lens fitting

Eye Exams for Informed Decisions

One of the crucial factors to consider is the importance of eye exams, which provide vital information to help you make an informed decision about your contact lenses. While your eye doctor will discuss the available options with you, it's essential to understand how these choices will impact your eye health and vision. The health of your eyes plays a significant role in the selection of contact lenses. If there are any underlying issues, it's important to work closely with your eye doctor to address them before proceeding with contacts.

Contact Lens Exams for Customization

In addition to regular eye exams, contact lens exams are an integral part of the custom fitting process for your new lenses. These exams go beyond assessing the health of your eyes and determining the necessary vision correction. They also examine the surface of your eyes to ensure that contacts will be a suitable option for you.

If you have irregularities that may affect the fit of regular lenses, there are specialized types of lenses available that can be custom-fitted to the shape of your eyes. Fortunately, most individuals can wear contact lenses comfortably, even if they have irregular corneas or other eye differences.

How An Eye Doctor Can Help

Working with the right eye doctor is crucial when it comes to obtaining a custom fitting for your contact lenses. You need a doctor and staff who understand the various options available for your specific situation and can guide you through the pros and cons of each lens type. This way, you can feel confident that your chosen lenses are the perfect match for you.

Contact Main Street Optics Today

Don't hesitate to reach out to Main Street Optics today at (631) 287-7898 if you're in the Southampton area. We offer comprehensive eye exams, contact lens exams, and custom fittings to ensure the best fit and vision for our valued customers. Let us help you experience all that life has to offer with optimal vision and comfort.


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